Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sensorial overload

Hard to find coherent words to report on an overwhelming couple of days. Here are some sights:

I found my long lost love, Testarolo; said to be the earliest pasta, it's named for the large flat pan it's cooked in. Cut it into strips, cook in water and toss with pesto. Heaven...

Some of the educational displays in Terra Madre include a map of the world's Presidia products.

These are characteristic, traditional food products that are singled out for promotion; Slow Food helps with product development and marketing. I sense Canada's not exactly pulling its weight here...

All kinds of everything at the Terra Madre World Market; vendors lay down blankets and sell whatever they've brought from their countries. Here, some vegetables:

there, some education on the Jamaican view of the world:

or some Austrian cheese:

And some other stuff:

A few more forays into the Salone. Here's one pig with a sobering outlook:

Melanzane rosse di Rotonda from Basilicata. Tiny red eggplants that look like tomatoes:

Some very large, very interesting looking cheese from Abruzzo:

Coconut truffles:

A display of the woods used in the barrels that balsamico tradizionale are aged in:

Dear olde England didn't quite get it...

Dutch oyster shucker:

Red onions from Spain:

German potatoes:

French crepes:

Norwegian herring:

Still two days of food - and several hundred more photos - to go.


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